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BS5839-1 BS5839-6

5 Day Intensive Fire Alarm Training Courses With 2 Level 3 Exams

  • EAL BS 5839-1 Level 3 exam
  • EAL BS 5839-6 Level 3 exam

The 5 day course covers all aspects of BS 5839-1 non-domestic premises and BS 5839-6 domestic premises. It provides an understanding of legislation and standards relating to fire detection and fire alarm systems along with the basic principles of fire and fire behaviour in acceptance with BS 5839-1.

Design and legislation:

It will also enable you to complete non-complexed designs for non-domestic premises and domestic premises.


A complete understanding of the installation process of fire detection and fire alarm systems to BS 5839 1:2017 and BS 5839‑6:2019+A1:2020 will enable the learner to complete installations for non-domestic premises and domestic premises.


Complete understanding of the commissioning process of fire detection and fire alarm systems to BS 5839-1:2017. And be able to commission non-complexed installations for non-domestic premises and domestic premises.


This module will give you an understanding of the maintenance process of fire detection and fire alarms systems to BS 5839-1:2017. And enable you able to inspect and maintain non-complexed installations for non-domestic premises and domestic premises.


During the first four days, you will gain the skills to design, maintain install, commission, fault-finding on a 2-zone non-addressable and addressable fire system using the latest Advanced fire panels & Kentec fire panels to BS5839-1:2017. The 5th day includes and BS 5839 6:2019+A1:2020.


  • EAL Level 3 Award in the Requirements of Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems for Buildings BS 5839-1:2017 (open book)
  • EAL Level 3 Award in the Requirements for Fire Detection and Alarm Systems in Dwellings (closed book)

Course Price : £1195.00+VAT Per Person

Key Course Details

The five-day course will cover all aspects of BS5839-1 non-domestic premises, and BS 5839 6 domestic premises. It provides an understanding of legislation and standards relating to fire detection and fire alarm systems and the basic principles of fire and fire behaviour in acceptance with BS 5839-1. There will be two level 3 exams at the end of this course.

EAL Level 3 Award in the Requirements of Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems for buildings BS 5839-1


EAL Level 3 Award in the Requirements of Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems in Dwellings BS 5839-6

ZZEUS 5 Day BS5839-1 & BS 5839-6 with Exam Booking Form

If you are interested in attending this course please fill out our online booking form. If you wish to speak with an advisor call us today on: 01522 536 666

Please choose your date preference. You can choose more than one preference option and a member of our team can assist on contact.

Course Cost

Course place/s cost £1195.00 + VAT per person.

Course Participant(s) Details

Additional Information
Booking Submission

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